Due West    Gen   G      Author: サカナ色さん

"Fraser, what's wrong?"
"I, uh… Nothing. Nothing. Are you enjoying your meal?"
"Yeah, it's actually not as bad as I thought. If you're careful with this
green stuff. Why aren't you trying some? This place was your idea."
"Well, the thing is I… I just can't seem to bring myself to make the
appropriate noise required when performing this activity."
"Performing? Required? There's nothing required other than this annoying
slippery pair of chopsticks, Benny. And I know you can use 'em much better
than I am. Come on, eat up."
"Right. Okay. I can do this."

"Oh, what's with you! We gotta get back to the Shinjuku division in twenty
minutes. Are you gonna give that all to Dief?"
"You're completely right. I'm sorry."
"I mean I've seen you eat udon noodles when we were in the States. Those
are Japanese too, you know, and you had no problem then. I don't know what
all this fuss is about. Just think of it as some kind of weird trenette."
"Well, that's exactly my problem, Ray. You see, if I were having pasta, it
would be easy for me to eat it and not slurp it; that is our etiquette.
However, in this culture, it is customary to slurp your noodles. Look
around you… No, don't actually _look_ around, that isn't polite. But
you've noticed everyone making these slurping sounds, haven't you?"
"Yeah. It's sort of disgusting, isn't it? Ruffles your feathers, huh?"
"No, no. Not at all. See, as I read in the airplanein the airplane on our
way to Narita, that is the etiquette in this country."
"Okay then. Go ahead. I promise I won't tell Thatcher."
"I… can't."
"You don't know how to slurp?!"
"Of course I do, Ray, that's just silly. It's just… it's… I can't…"
"Bring yourself to. I can see that. Well fine, don't, then."
"I can't -- I should. It's rude not to."
"Huh? How can it be rude not to slurp!"
"It can, Ray. In fact in many cultures it is. The idea of propriety can be
quite different in one society from another. For example, the Inuit…"
"Oh, the Inuit, the Inuit. This isn't about the Inuit! Eat. The. Damn. Noodles."
"Of course, of course. Sorry. I… uh… Yes, ma'am?"
"I noticed you not eating. Is anything wrong with your soba?"
"Oh, no, it's fine. I'm sure it's delicious. Thank you for your concern."
"Shall I change it to another one?"
"No, thank you."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am, uh -- Ms. Sato. It's really nothing like that. I'm afraid it's
a little difficult for me to make the appropriate sound required in your
society's code of etiquette."
"Pardon? Etiquette?"
"Slurping. Slurrrrp. He thinks we all have to slurp."
"Oh. Well, it isn't something you have to do. Slurping is good, it's the
stylish way to eat soba. But you can eat quietly, too. That's OK. That's
not bad etiquette. It's more bad to be late. Soba becomes long when you eat
"Long… we call it long. Soft. Stale. Not good anymore. Here, wait, I will
give you a new one."
"Oh. I see. Thank you kindly."
"See, Benny? There is such a thing as worrying too much about etiquette,
after all."

※ とても楽しいficどうも有難うございました。フレイザーの困り具合が伝わってきますよね。